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Can your organisation benefit from behavioural design?  Do you have a situation where people are not actiing in a way that reflects their best interests? Maybe people are ignoring the rules or sticking to the status quo. 

If we were rational, we would weigh up the risks and benefits before deciding whether a certain behaviour is worthwhile and act on it everytime. Behavioural Science shows us that we are not always rational in our choices: we have a collection of mental shortcuts that are sometimes handy when we need to make snap decisions, but often lead to biases in our decision-making.


There's a simple way to determine if behavioral science is the right tool to apply to a given situation.


If an effort requires helping people to shift their behaviour and act on existing opinions/beliefs, it is likely a good fit for behavioral science tools.


The framework approach I follow to designing for behaviour change blends both human centred design and behavioural science. This means that I first look for evidence and data on the human insights about the problem before turning to the established knowledge bases of behavioural science to suggest best-fit solutions for well-defined challenges.

The framework encompasses five key phases:

1. Define


2. Explore



Craft intervention


Assess impact



next steps

To enable this approach to solving problems and designing for behaviour change I use a range of decision mental models, research, user experience and mapping tools. Check out the tools.

Typically I work with a cross-functional team to deliver tools that support the behaviour change framework, with a focus on driving an outcome such as nudging decisions to a new option or to a more profitable option. 


The tools that I have used include:

Journey mapping

Value/Effort ranking

Pilots and A/B testing

Quantitative research

User/Choice Context design






Customer profiling

How might we statements

Anchor 1

Within my project portfolio I have indicated the tools used in a project that relate to identifying the problem and crafting solutions to deliver on the behaviour challenge, using the icons and descriptions above.

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